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If having more fun while growing your business is part of your long-term plan, I highly recommend that we work together.

Privat coaching. You + me = Dream Team 

I'm Inger Kenobi and I want you to know that if your business is a raving success but the title of your memoir would read, 'Almost Drowning, ' instead of, 'Living My Best Life,' this is where you need to be. 

I've helped countless women break up with burnout, stress, and overwhelm.

Now it's your turn.  If you want to make your business your new happy place, keep reading. 
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Happy clients: 

It has been really inspiring to work with Inger on cCHANGE projects. Her energy, insights and humor create amazing outcomes. Her light and insightful approach to linking people and purpose is unique and has been very valuable to our work on climate change and sustainability issues.

Linda Sygna/Executive Director, cCHANGE/

Karen O'Brien, Professor and Co-Founder of cCHANGE

Many of us put fun on hold, but enjoying your life WHILE GROWING YOUR BUSINESS is too important, too holy, too magnificent, and too dang LIFE-GIVING to be put on the back burner. 

And while you probably CAN continue to grow your business while your soul shrivels up like a raisin, it would be a super tragic waste of your time and talent.

You have come so far! 

Everything you know about business, marketing, who you want to work with, the way you work, how you manage your mind, and the way you bounce back from obstacles and failures have brought you here. You're helping people and you're supporting yourself doing what you love. Fantastic! 

And. . . . 

It takes energy to grow, so if your business takes all of your energy and then some, 
it's time to weed out all the things that slow you down. 

Knowing where to start can be the hardest part, but once you're on a roll:
You can be insanely busy and get everything done, without rushing-rushing and feeling like you're chasing your tail. 

You trust that the business is fine without you having to be ON all the time and hunch over it like Gollum. 

You stop checking your emails ten times before going to bed. 

You start to manage your mind and emotions like a pro. 

You roll out your current projects while making room for new creative ideas. 

You let go of the heavy notion that burnout is just the price you have to pay for success. 

You grow your capacity to care for yourself and your clients. 

You grow your ability to trust your instincts, have more fun, and take advantage of all the possibilities that are hiding in plain sight. 

You become a really good boss to yourself and start to feel like you're getting away with something. 

You think,' Is this really my life now?' 
Oh, yes!

There is so much good news here!
All of the above can be boiled down to two core principles: 

- Simplify your thinking. To paraphrase Elizabeth Gilbert: You can learn to choose your thoughts the same way you pick out your clothes in the morning. 

- Simplify how you do things. Once you clean up your thinking, it takes less time, steps, and energy to do the things you want to do. 

And of course, everything becomes easier when you're really, really KIND TO YOURSELF. 
And you can begin today by mapping out everything you're naturally good at. Growing from strength, talent, joy, wins, passion, and personal experiences makes all the difference.

I'm also here to tell you that all the things you feel are wrong about yourself, and all the things you believe you have to abandon in order to 'be professional' are actually your greatest assets.

I've seen it time and time again. 

Can you feel how energizing that is?

So no. You don't need to put your personality into a coma, you just need to make the most out of the cards you've been given. 

I'll help you see the forest for the trees. 

And from that joyful place, we'll start to make the necessary changes. 

We'll start with your mind, and here is why: 
Growing your business without working on your mind is like building a house without insulation. The winters will be freezing.

And since you bring your mind with you everywhere you go, this will be the most important skill you will ever learn. It's like putting on a pair of shoes, instead of trying to cover the surface of the earth in leather. 
Not only that, but science tells us that when you become intentional about reducing stress and increasing peace and joy, your mind will look for thoughts, circumstances, and opportunities that will support that intention. Your mind will help you figure it out, even if you don’t have a plan for making this happen.

Isn't that amazing?

So before you try to grow your business by working harder, sleep less, ignore fun, and think, 'If only I could clone myself,' I want you to know that you can: 

Have an insane amount of fun and feel expansive and light in the day-to-dayness of your business, without compromising on success and progress.

This will be easier than you think, regardless of outer circumstances.

And I will help you every step of the way, without adding more work to your already full schedule. In fact, this will lighten your workload. 

You deserve to experience this flow now.

This growth. 

This joy (and sometimes frustration of course!).

WARNING: This process will also bring up your sh*t and it will also show you your LIGHT. 

It also takes practice, and that's why we'll spend six months together. 
Why do this work NOW? 

Because you'll ENJOY growing your business in an uplifting way. 

And it's so rewarding to step up and claim, 'I'm doing this!' 

Together we'll tap into your infinite wisdom and strategically plan your next move. 

In the words of a previous client: Inger's ability to swiftly affect change is truly amazing, simply because there’s so much fun involved!
You and your business will grow, 99,9% guaranteed. 
Once you know how to talk to yourself like a really good friend, you can do that for life. Once you learn to tell the difference between helpful and unhelpful thoughts, you're set for life. Once you learn to process your emotions, you can do that until you die. Once you break up with hustle-energy and burnout, you're free. 
Lastly, here is a quick thought experiment: if you were to write a job description for your job, what would make you go, 'OMG! This is my dream role!' 

Let's make that dream a reality. 
 22 sessions over a period of 6 months. You can sign up today. 

Our first session will be a 'lay of the land' session and will last 90 minutes. Here we talk about what you want to get out of this coaching journey, what you've tried before, and we'll also celebrate how far you've come and look at everything that is working. 
The other sessions
will last 60 minutes. We will be intentional, experiment, and troubleshoot, and we'll create an environment for your inner wisdom to speak up and be heard. To help you integrate what you learn in the sessions, we'll find ways to apply it directly to real-life situations. None of your a-ha moments will go to waste. 

All sessions will take place over Zoom, so location is never a problem. My clients call in from Australia, the USA, Canada, and Europe. In between the sessions, we'll stay in touch via email. 

Investment: 3500 pounds (approx 4400 dollars). You can make a one-time payment or make two installments. 
Your next move? Click on the button below. 

The thing that I take away from my sessions with Inger is a renewed sense of confidence in myself and my choices. With her clear and bright energy, Inger holds a loving, unconditionally accepting and focused space that enables me hear my deepest wants and needs.  She is absolutely committed to honoring my unique truth and this has been instrumental in forging a purposeful, joyful and heart-led path for myself.

Maria Schonfeld/ Hampstead, UK


You might not be able to be all calm and joyful right out of the gate. In the beginning, it might feel like you’re taking one step forward and five steps back. I don’t always succeed at having healthy boundaries and being a super cool boss to myself. But I catch it quicker. I notice the micro-moments where I could go either way, and it’s becoming easier and easier to choose space, calm, and joy over stress and drama. That option is available for you as well. It’s a practice thing, and that’s why we’ll spend 6 months together.


And what I know to be true is that there are people who knock this out of the park, based on previous coaching, therapy, and mind training. And other people have to practice, practice, practice, and step by step they see themselves accessing new levels of joy and confidence.  And some clients fail miserably and think, ‘This fun and ease thing is too hard!’ But they stick with it day after day after day, and what ALWAYS happens is that they finally get to tell me, ‘I did it! I let it be easy! I didn’t overcomplicate everything! I didn’t think the same old thoughts that always wear me out. I said no without making it into a big drama production! Who am I?’ 

The principles here are very easy: 

Start where you are. 

Work with the mind you already have. 

Direction is more important than speed. 

I recommend you do this work as soon as you start to bring in consistent income or don't rely on your business to support yourself. If you're struggling to make ends meet and don't know how to sign clients, check out this offer instead. 

If you have any questions, you can hop on a free consultation call. We get 60 minutes together. 

Click here to book your free call. 

“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

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