Are you ready to sign more clients through your website?
To sign more clients, you don't need to be a good copywriter or spend months pinning down your niche.
You don't even need a fancy website. You just need a clear offer that is easy to communicate, both online and in person.
As a new coach, I was all caught up in finding my niche and being legit. I almost made myself dizzy asking, 'Who do I work with? Who do I work with?' Then Inger said, 'Who do you WANT to work with? Create a clear offer that matches that.' And then we were off!
​- Angelica, USA
A common mistake new-ish coaches and entrepreneurs make is to mansplain what they do. They use fancy words and coach-speak. Their copy goes on and on and on. A lot of it sounds nice and impressive, but it fails to communicate what they do and why we should work with them.
The good news is, creating a clear offer is easier than you think.
You don't need to fill out the dreaded XYZ formula.
You don't even need an elevator pitch.
You just need to explain your offer in the CLEAREST way possible.
Instead of, 'I help you find your authentic voice,' you say, 'I help you write the shitty first draft.'
Instead of, 'I help women become more visible,' you say, 'I help you get on TV.'
And instead of, 'I help you feel more confident in your body,' you say, 'I help you stop snacking without obsessing over food 24/7.'
Last example:
Instead of writing, 'Luminosity wedding planner. Perfect for couples who want to have their dream wedding,' . . . you write, 'If you want a wedding where your grandma is your Maid of Honor and there is no seating chart, I'm the wedding planner for you.'
The first offer is anonymous and flat. I've already forgotten you.
The second offer is specific and clear. I will recommend you to everyone who wants what you offer.
Clear is kind.
Kind is clear.
I want you to really get this.
Clear and specific offers make it EASY for people to hire you because they understand how you can help them and what results to expect. Imagine that!
And here is even better news:
Once you've distilled what you do into a clear and easy-to-understand offer, you get to live in a world where:
-Your dream clients tell you, 'Gah! Where have you been all my life, I need this!', and then they recommend you to five of their friends.
- Promoting yourself feels like a no-brainer.
- You no longer want to run and hide when people ask you, 'So, what do you do?'
- You feel proud of your website and you get to put it to good use.
-You sign more clients and start to make decent money.
This transformation can feel completely unreal, but that's just what happens when you find the right words to express your magic.
The wind has shifted.
OK. So what gets in the way of creating and communicating a clear offer? (Aka: signing more clients.)
OMG! So many things! Dismissing your simple thoughts and over-complicating everything. Feeling guilty about not wanting to work with everyone. Afraid of offending people. Nervous about getting too specific.
Also. . . .
Believing you have to impress people and 'trick' them into buying from you with an elaborate song and dance routine.
Hoping people will see the real you once you start working together.
Feeling creeped out by marketing and selling.
Ready to leave all of that behind? Good! Keep reading.
WORKING TOGETHER | The winning combo
I will be with you every step of the way.
We will start by having conversations about your work. Then we will write and edit together. In that order.
Writing copy is easy. It's just words on a page.
The tricky part is getting specific and clear.
The almost impossible part is to not overthink everything to death.
This is why I don't want you to write, write, write by yourself. It will drive you nuts. Your inner critic will outsmart you and push you around.
Which happens to everyone, automatically.
This is why we'll TALK about your work. When talking, the words flow out of your mouth in a natural, unfiltered way. You're lively, you give examples, you tell stories, and your insights, humor, personality, and slang bubble to the surface. It's awesome.
That's the YOUNESS and the CLARITY we're after.
And the cherry on top is that once you've been through this process, you're set for life. You still have to practice, practice, practice (like learning how to ride a bike), but it means you'll be able to churn out new offers, write content, create programs, and invite people in at the drop of a hat. You'll still slide back into writing flat and vague copy, but now you'll know how to fix it.
And because so many of my clients underestimate their talents and experiences, I feel compelled to say the following:
​​If you once worked on Friends (you know who you are. . . . !), DO NOT try to hide that fact because you don't want to come across as 'full of yourself'.
If you are amazing, flaunt it.
If you don't think you're that amazing, flaunt it.
If not, what are we doing here?
And remember, you'll never turn away the right people by being more yourself.
If you talk to everyone, you talk to no one. If you talk directly to the people you are here to serve, your clients will come out of the woodwork.
So put on your favorite perfume, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or pop some champagne), and let's get to work!
During our time together, you'll learn how to:
1. Create a clear and simple offer
2. Communicate that offer on your website
3. Create a marketing plan (that you actually look forward to rolling out)
4. Talk about what you do with glee and confidence, both in person and online.
The result: signing more clients.
There are nine sessions in total.
1. An initial 90-min lay-of-the-land session.
2. 5 weekly 60-min sessions.
3. 3 bi-weekly 60-minute follow-up sessions. (All sessions happen on Zoom, so location is never a problem.)
In between each session, we'll stay in touch via email.
Investment: £999. (Approx 1300 dollars)

Want more reasons to sign up? Here are five compelling points:
Whether you're a brand new coach or want to breathe fresh energy (and cash) into your business, CLEAR OVER CLEVER is where you need to be. This is where you'll finally learn to:
1. Scoop up your magic and transform it into a crystal-clear offer. (You might not know how to do that, and that is fine. I do. Some say it's my specialty.)
2. Learn to market from a place of service and leave behind, 'I hate promoting myself with a vengeance,' behind you for good.
3. Take the guesswork out of the whole social media debacle. No more scratching your head and wondering where to 'grow your audience.' No more trying to follow ever-changing industry trends. From now on you'll only show up in a way that serves YOU and your clients.
4. Stop repelling potential clients. (Also known as The Four Don'ts.)
5. Start signing clients with the resources and experiences you have right here and now.
Your next move? Click on the button below:

Inger is an amazing wayfinder. After just one session, Inger managed to put an end to three years of fluffing about and shined a spotlight on the narrow track through the trees.
​-R. C. / Australia
Inger is a fantastic coach! I feel accepted, seen, and really good about myself. And I'm finally getting the results that I want! Everyone should work with her.
​F. S. / UK
My intuition told me to hire Inger, and it was right. I've never felt better about myself. I speak up. I make more money. I take bigger risks, but I'm less scared. This is my life now. Amazing!
​-Elizabeth / Canada
I recommend Inger to anyone who has something fantastic to offer clients / readers / the world but feels freaked out, exhausted, bored, or uncertain. She is a massively talented coach and a fireball of life energy!
Elaine, Simlångsdalen Sweden
-OMG! I've already used some of the things I've learned. What a difference. You also present the material in a really fun way. Thank you. ​- J. C. /USA
Some common questions:
My website is super incongruent with my current self. It was made three years ago and both me and my business have changed so much since then. I struggle to find an entry point to start the re-write. Will working with you help?
Yes! Come! Finding the easiest, most fun, entry point is my jam. Even if you struggle with copywriting (compared to passionately writing about your business in your emails or posts), you'll soon express yourself in a way that feels true, and alive and speaks directly to the people you're here to serve.
How do I know if my offer isn't clear? I think that it is. . . .
If you have a hard time talking about your work. . . .
If you're not sure what results your clients get from working with you. . . .
If you're not signing clients. . . .
If promoting yourself feels complicated and forced. . . .
If your copy sounds like everyone else in your industry. . . .
If you know in your bones that you're good at what you do, but you don't know how to communicate the value. . . . . .
All of the above are signs that your offer isn't as simple and clear as it could be.
Do you help with website design, layout, funnels, and such?
Nope. The technical bits are not my wheelhouse. But honestly, you don't need a complicated, time-consuming design. A page with plain text will do just fine. The rest is just frosting.
I have lots of ideas and can't decide what my offer is. Will working together help me find clarity?
Yes. I have many multi-passionate clients. Some of them combine their many passions into one, original offer (like goat yoga), or they choose the one thing that has the most energetic pull.
I get that working on my copy is important. But what about marketing, list-building, being visible on social media, and all of that stuff? Will that be covered as well?
I'm so glad you asked that question because. . . yes. . . you get to take everything you learn about copywriting and apply it directly to marketing, social media posts, posters, emails, and newsletters. Once you know how to communicate your offer, the setting doesn't matter.
Do you offer any discounts?
SHINE members get a 30% discount and ex-sangha members get 50% off.
In addition, you can invite two friends or colleagues to join you in creating a mini-group program. Then you'll all pay 1/3 of the price each. Same amount of sessions, the same schedule, just three people instead of just you. That's actually a really fun option!
A lot of copywriting courses are self-study solutions. Why do you work so closely with people?
I love hands-on approaches, so that's what I'm going with.