Learn to write a killer business bio at my Working Girl event. Grab your spot for £50 here.
Author and copywriter.
The copywriting solution for people who are desperate to re-vamp their copy but get sweaty palms just thinking about their website.
That doesn't stop them from wanting to write killer copy that draws in their intended audience.
Private one-on-one sessions.
After our first session, your thoughts will be way more organized and you'll be itching to write. Which is wild, because right now you freeze up just looking at your website.
After our last session, you'll write binge-worthy copy like a pro, speak directly to your dream-come-true clients + act on things you've been secretly eyeing for years.
As a result, you'll feel like you've skipped over a million boring steps and given yourself a promotion. And in more ways than one, you have. Congratulations!
After re-writing your copy, you get to live in a world where:
-Your dream clients tell you, 'Gah! Where have you been all my life, I need this!', and then they recommend you to five of their friends.
-You watch Gilmore Girls and get this brilliant new business idea. Instead of talking yourself out of it by thinking, ' This is stupid and superficial. I should focus on something inspired by Mother Teresa instead. . .', you write spine-tingling copy and run with it.
- Tall Poppy Syndrome is gone. For good Poof! Phew.
- Promoting yourself feels like a no-brainer.
- You're crystal clear about what your offer is.
-You no longer worry about people not getting you. Instead, you put on your Jackie O sunglasses, walk out the door, and think, 'I allow people to be wrong about me.'
-You write binge-worthy copy, even if your mantra used to be, 'I'm not good at this writing stuff.'
And the possibilities. . . hot new ideas + services, products, and income-shifting opportunities that flow from that energy? To die for! Talk about pivoting like a superstar.
This transformation can feel completely unreal, but that's just what happens when you find the right words to express your magic.
The wind has shifted.
And before you know it, you decide that you can write a book. Or buy that red pantsuit. Or move to Berlin for two months. Because, why the hell not? You're now a self-love genius who makes things happen.
And the good news is:
To write compelling copy that invites your audience in like a red carpet event, you don't have to be the world's best writer.
You don't even have to be a mediocre one.
To write binge-worthy copy you just have to focus on two things:
a) Getting crazy specific about your offer.
b) Stop editing your personality out of your copy.
This is how everyone within a five-mile radius of your website understands what you do.
So instead of writing, 'Luminosity wedding planner. Perfect for couples who want to have their dream wedding,' . . . you write:
'If you want a wedding where your grandma is your Maid of Honor and there is no seating chart, I'm the wedding planner for you.'
First example: Anonymous and flat. I've already forgotten you.
Second example: Fun! I will recommend you to everyone who wants an out-of-the-box wedding.
So what gets in the way of writing binge-worthy copy?
OMG! So many things! Dismissing your thoughts and opinions and undervaluing your ideas. Feeling guilty about not wanting to work with everyone. Afraid of offending people with your salty language. Feeling blocked every time you sit down to write.
Thinking you have to appear über-professional.
Believing you have to impress people and 'trick' them into buying from you with an elaborate song and dance routine.
Putting your personality into a coma so that you can shimmy into copywriting formulas.
All of this has a funny way of turning into:
- Vague, watered-down copy. If you've ever wondered why so many coaching websites (for instance) look and read exactly the same, this is why.
- Writing copy that is less interesting to read than a card your dentist might send you for your birthday, written by ChatGPT.
- Wondering why you started this stupid re-writing thing in the first place. ​
- Smiling through gritted teeth when someone else is doing what you want to do.
Yup. I've been there. That's how I know there is another way.
After watching countless entrepreneurs struggle to distill what they do into crystal clear copy- and after overcoming oh-so-many obstacles myself - I'm excited to show you a different path.
A Sliding Door scenario where instead of being discussed with yourself for writing the world's most boring ABOUT ME page, you become like Catlin Moran who just wrote on Instagram, ‘Now ready to sign a penis!’
You can't write the word penis!
Yes you can.
People who gawk at the word penis are not her people.
If you talk to everyone, you talk to no one.
And that's the whole point here, people.
That's the ONLY point.
If you water yourself down, you become the human equivalent of a beige wall.
Alternatively, when you give people a concentrated JOLT of the real you, the right people will come out of the woodwork and the wrong people will walk on by.
Also. . . . If you once worked on Friends (you know who you are. . . . ), DO NOT try to hide that fact because you don't want to come across as 'full of yourself'.
If you are amazing, flaunt it.
If you don't think you're that amazing, flaunt it.
If not, what are we doing here?
And remember, you'll never turn away the right people by being more yourself.
So put on your favorite perfume, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or pop some champagne), and let's get to work!
Hi! I'm Inger Kenobi and I'm an author and copywriter. I also co-run the online artist program SHINE.
I came into copywriting kind of sideways because my brain was hijacked by coachspeak and I wrote cringe-worthy copy like, 'The tools you need for the times we live in.' And, 'Activate your highest potential.'
Finally, out of desperation, I signed up for a bunch of copywriting classes and read a stack of books by talented humans whose job it is to make me sound amazing.
Learning from these people is how I transformed from Inger Kenobi, an anonymous and pedestrian life coach who worried about ringlight and 'Do I need a logo?, to Inger Kenobi the published author who works with smart people and ponders, 'Should I paint my office pink?'
In my 'non-coaching' life I've worked with people from all walks of life, from blue-blooded families to Tibetan meditation masters. In my coaching life, I've worked intimately with Royals, comedians, artists, writers, coaches, musicians, photographers, script-writers who have worked on Emmy award-winning shows, yoga instructors, and nutritionists. Smart, talented people who have a hard time expressing their gifts and services in writing.
Some random fun facts about me: I once was stalked by a Californian brown bear, I spent over a decade living at a Tibetan Buddhist center, and I've been married twice but never been on a date.
WORKING TOGETHER | The winning combo
How exactly will our sessions roll out?
We will have conversations about your work. Then we will write and edit together. In that order.
Writing copy is easy. It's just words on a page.
The difficult part is NOT editing your personality out of your copy.
The tricky part is getting specific and honest.
The almost impossible part is trusting yourself and your creative ideas.
This is why I don't want you to write, write, write by yourself. It will drive you nuts. Your inner critic will outsmart you and push you around.
Which happens to everyone, automatically.
This is why we'll start by having conversations about your work. When talking, the words flow out of your mouth in a natural, unfiltered way. You're lively, you give examples, you tell stories, and your insights, humor, personality, and slang bubble to the surface. It's awesome.
That's the YOUNESS we're after.
This is also why I won't write your copy for you. It will sound good, but it won't be infused with your unmistakable je ne sais quoi.
And the cherry on top is that once you've been through this process, you're set for life. You still have to practice, practice, practice (like learning how to ride a bike), but it means you'll be able to churn out new offers, write content, create programs, and invite people in at the drop of a hat. You'll still slide back into writing flat and boring copy, but now you'll know how to fix it.
Signing up includes:
During our time together, we'll focus on the BIG FOUR: Your logline, your HOME page, your SALES page, and your ABOUT ME page.
There are nine sessions in total.
1. An initial 90-min lay-of-the-land session.
2. 5 weekly 60-min sessions.
3. 3 bi-weekly 60-minute follow-up sessions. (All sessions happen on Zoom, so location is never a problem.)
In between each session, we'll stay in touch via email.
I'll also give you weekly prompts, challenges, and ideas that will turbo-charge your writing process and lead to countless 'oh!' and 'aha!' moments.
Lastly, we'll infuse this writing journey with treats and breaks. Being bored and overwhelmed? Not a chance!
All this hands-on, life-altering awesomeness for just £3000. (Squeee! )
Inger is an amazing wayfinder. After just one session, Inger managed to put an end to three years of fluffing about and shined a spotlight on the narrow track through the trees.
​-R. C. / Australia
Inger is a fantastic coach! I feel accepted, seen, and really good about myself. And I'm finally getting the results that I want! Everyone should work with her.
​F. S. / UK
My intuition told me to hire Inger, and it was right. I've never felt better about myself. I speak up. I make more money. I take bigger risks, but I'm less scared. This is my life now. Amazing!
​-Elizabeth / Canada
I recommend Inger to anyone who has something fantastic to offer clients / readers / the world but feels freaked out, exhausted, bored, or uncertain. She is a massively talented coach and a fireball of life energy!
Elaine, Simlångsdalen Sweden
-OMG! I've already used some of the things I've learned. What a difference. You also present the material in a really fun way. Thank you. ​- J. C. /USA
Yes! I'm so ready for this!
How do I sign up, again?
Get started with two quick steps:
1. Look at the payment options below and pick the one that is right for you.
2. After you've paid, you'll be redirected to my booking site where you'll book your first session.
Next, you'll receive an email confirming your Zoom link and other practicalities.
I can't wait to work with you!
You could make this rewrite a big dramatic event if you wanted to. Or you can:
Scoope up the magical energy that is YOU and transform it into crystal clear copy.
Take emotional risks and notice you didn't die.
Own how freakin' talented you are.
Be so smitten by your website that you wish you could crowdsurf through it.
Translation: you will LOVE it here!
3-payments of 1000 pounds
1-time payment of 3000 pounds.
All payments are non-refundable, so please invest with intention and enthusiasm.
Some common questions:
My website is super incongruent with my current self. It was made three years ago and both me and my business have changed so much since then. I struggle to find an entry point to start the re-write. Will working with you help?
Yes! Come! Finding the easiest, most fun, entry point is my jam. Even if you struggle with copywriting (compared to passionately writing about your business in your emails or posts), you'll soon express yourself in a way that feels true, and alive and speaks directly to the people you're here to serve.
Do you help with website design, layout, funnels, and such?
Nope. The technical bits are not my wheelhouse. But honestly, you don't need a complicated, time-consuming design. A page with plain text will do just fine. The rest is just frosting.
Why do you only work with seasoned entrepreneurs?
As I was looking around for new training for myself, I noticed that there are countless courses for total beginners and lots of options for six-figure women who want to get to seven figures. For people in the middle, not so much. In addition, I love working with people who know the lay of the land but want to go deeper. Be more themselves. Have more fun. Go for what they really want. And helping someone put all of that into writing? What a thrill!
I know I want to pivot, but I have lots of ideas and can't decide. Will working together help me find clarity?
Yes. I have many multi-passionate clients. Some of them combine their many passions into one, original offer (like goat yoga), or they choose the one thing that has the most energetic pull.
When clients tell me they don't know, it's just a sign they're afraid to choose or afraid to choose the wrong thing. That's an easy fix. It can also be a sign that the thing they really want to do is so amazing and so big and so reality-bending that it's easier to pretend they don't know than to own it and run with it. They swat it away like a fly, but it always comes back.
Which one is you?
I get that working on my copy is important. But what about marketing, list-building, being visible on social media, and all of that stuff? Will that be covered as well?
I'm so glad you asked that question because. . . yes. . . you get to take everything you learn about copywriting and apply it directly to marketing, social media posts, posters, emails, and newsletters. Copy is copy, regardless of the platform.
You say I'll be able to write binge-worthy copy. Do you really mean that?
Yes. I firmly believe that if you take these tools to heart and practice them, you will become an amazing copywriter. It's the very same tools I used to lift my website out of obscurity and into something people a)love to visit and b)make them want to work with me.
However, I also want to throw in an ethical disclaimer. This is not a quick-fix situation. It takes time to implement new skills. If you saw my first website, you'd laugh your head off. My second try wasn't much better. But, once I learned certain principles, copywriting became something I looked forward to. I get to write another sales page! Yay!
It's like learning to play an instrument. The more you practice, the better you'll get.
Do you offer any discounts?
SHINE members get a 30% discount and ex-sangha members get 50% off.
In addition, you can invite two friends or colleagues to join you in creating a mini-group program. Then you'll all pay 1/3 of the price each. Same amount of sessions, the same schedule, just three people instead of just you. That's actually a really fun option!
A lot of copywriting courses are self-study solutions. Why do you work so closely with people?
When I was a little girl, I visited Grandma Inger on the weekends and she'd teach me how to knit, sew, embroider, and crochet. Sitting next to me, she'd go, ''Yes, like that, you got it! Do you want some more tea?' And when I made mistakes, she showed me how to fix it. Then we'd bake scones and watch an episode of Hercule Poiroit.
I have friends who have learned to knit by watching YouTube videos. It makes me want to cry. I love hands-on approaches, so that's what I'm going with.
In the future, I might do a bigger group program.
Or invite people to a copywriting retreat.
The sky is the limit.