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Learn to write a killer business bio at my Working Girl event. Grab your spot for £50 here.
Author and copywriter.
I think you'll like it here!
One of my Buddhist teachers used to say, 'Before you learn how to meditate, you have to develop a sense of humor. Otherwise, you'll take yourself too seriously. The same is true for. .. well . . . everything. Especially if you're working for yourself. Especially if you're pivoting and need to upgrade your website.
Writing, under the best of circumstances, can bring out the worst in us. Procrastination. Comparing ourselves with others. Writing such painfully boring copy that you want to scream into a pillow and eat all the chocolate.
Throw pivoting and re-inventing yourself into the mix, and you have yourself the perfect storm. To a lot of people, that's waaaaaaay too stressful and risky, which gives rise to the idea, 'Maybe I should just drop it. Who needs change?'
That's what's behind door number one.
Behind door number two is where pivoting entrepreneurs congregate. They look suspiciously happy and do not share the average person's interest in playing it safe. They love running with their wildest ideas and gladly accept that sweaty palms and setbacks are part of the equation. But. . . what makes all of this mayhem worth it, is that trusting yourself and going for it seems to be the magical formula for fast-tracking your progress and results that are nothing short of unreal.
No risk.
No reward.
Once you've stepped through door number two and reoriented yourself, the next part is refreshingly practical: it's time to upgrade your website.
That's where I come in. Together we will pull copywriting gold out of your brain and onto the page.
It doesn't matter if you're a comedy writer or a death doula. Your website is your calling card. Your place to shine. Your corner of the internet where you get to invite people in, connect with your dream clients, and build your body of work.
With my clients needing everything from, 'Help! I need to write a new business bio,' to, 'Fuck, I need to redo my entire website,' I've created two specific options for you all. Take a look below.
business bio love fest
2 x 60-minute sessions
Every entrepreneur needs a fantastic bio, and here we'll crank out your:
ABOUT ME page.
The 25 word intro.
Insta bio.
Your logline.
We'll also practice answering the questions, 'So, what do you do?' This is where talented entrepreneurs either clam up or raddle on and on. After these sessions, however, writing and talking about your work will be easy-breazy.
9 x 60-minute sessions
You're springboarding into the future and you need more juice, more handholding, more feedback. This is where it all comes together. Your HOME page, your SALES page, your bio, and the overall feel and flow of your website. If you never want to hear the word 'brand' or 'niche' again, this option is for you. Soon you'll be able to rock out a sparkly new website, even if you freeze up just thinking about getting started.
And for all of you creative types, there's a third option. . . .
Lifetime membership
Every creative person needs a supportive community, accountability, and ongoing inspiration. That's why Sarah Seidelmann and I are co-running SHINE. This amazing group of people write books, make jewelry, paint, write poetry, win art grants, and have found a sustainable rhythm for their art and creativity. That's the dream, isn't it? The vibe is an online artist studio. We joke that people come for the art and stay for the community. Come join us!
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